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Register Here

English as a Second Language

Register for the English as a Second Language Program Here!

High School Diploma 

Register for the High School Diploma Program Here!

High School Equivalency

Register for the High School Equivalency Program Here!

Career Technical Education

Register for Career Technical Education Courses Here!

CALRegional Healthcare Programs

Register for CALRegional Healthcare Programs Here!

United States Citizenship

Register for the United States Citizenship readiness course Here!

Transition Specialist - Alicia Alejo

Set up a meeting with our Transition Specialist HERE!

Parent Co-op Preschool Program

Participate in your child’s education and social development. We offer Co-op preschool on FCUSD Elementary school campuses.

Job Center

Our Job Center is a “one-stop” services location that provides employment resources and career training to individuals seeking job search and career development training.